Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Strange Man Who Can't Be Taken Seriously

Everyone must have a blog, yes?

Despite all of the advice I read about the benefits of creating content and cultivating an online presence, blah, blah, blah...there's something so inherently pompous about a blog. The idea that my inner thoughts are somehow of interest to people to such a degree that I'd better record them. You really have to have a high opinion of yourself to throw your mental garbage out of the car window and believe that your web-litter is really gold.

No problem there, then...

So instead of having a professional blog to highlight my skills learned from 15 years of working at a first class property management company, I've decided to play to my strengths and just have a snarky blog where I point out how everything would be so much better if people only took the extra step of consulting me before their every move.

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